Through Learning Grants, the Foundation hopes to:
• understand how small, focused investments can catalyze innovation,
• understand how to support and encourage experimentation,
• expand its network of organizations serving youth to help us understand how to make the most strategic investments.

Learning Grants Criteria
These are smaller, shorter term grants intended for organizations that want to do one or more of the following:
• Pilot a new innovative idea. This may include: bringing an existing idea to a new region; testing or trying something that hasn’t been done before; applying new technologies, models, or theories to solve existing problems; or working with different, unlikely partners to tackle existing problems in a new way.
• Support a new collaboration.
• Do outreach, develop plans, or support work to bring an existing project/program that is run elsewhere to the Waterloo Region.

Funding for Learning Grants
Learning Grants are eligible for up to $25,000 in funding. On average, most grants in this grant stream range between $5,000 and $15,000.
Grants can be up to one year in length. As this grant is intended to focus on experimenting and learning, there is potential that successful projects/programs may be invited to submit an application for a Community Grant upon completion.
The application takes approximately 1 hour to complete.

2023 Grants

The Astley Family Foundation is now accepting applications for 2023 grants and the deadline is Friday February 17, 2023 .  We want to make it easier

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